SPAC Verimlilik Akademisi


We are inviting you!

Purpose of the L6S Project Sharing Event: We would be happy to include your valuable projects in our conference to spread Lean 6 Sigma awareness throughout the country and to increase the konwledge-experience exchange between companies, for efficiency, to showcase the benefits of projects carried out/being carried out on topics such as quality, continuous improvement, operational excellence, etc., and to ensure new projects are encouraged.

Yours sincerely,
S.P.A.C. Efficiency Academy


Deployment Category

Deployment methods are focused on examining whether continuous improvement and development operations are designed and practiced sustainably and effectively. It includes projects on systems, organization, development-transformation culture, and future-oriented projects. Your project propositions are expected to contain the following topics:

  • OpExSys Teams
  • System-Process Approaches
  • Project Tracking and Management Systems
  • Cultural Transformation – Competence Improvement Programs
  • Practices that Provide Solutions to Multiple Areas

Lean Category

It includes projects aiming to increase profitability, reduce costs, and improve the quality of the work by focusing on the quality of products and/or services offered by the business, the process performance, and the efficiency of raw materials, materials, energy, equity, and human resources. Your project propositions are expected to contain the following topics:

  • 5S Projects
  • Major (Kabetsu), 3M or TIE Kaizen
  • Work Balancing Projects
  • Poka-Yoke, Jidoka, Kanban Projects
  • TPM Projects

6 Sigma Category

It includes projects aiming to increase the organization’s profitability and competitiveness by focusing on goals such as improvement of the effectiveness of business’ process improvement operations, solving issues related to processes, solving problems via the DMAIC approach, and meeting customer demand to near perfection. Your project propositions are expected to contain the following topics:

  • Projects with DMAIC Methodology Applied
  • Chronic Quality Problems
  • Design of Experiment Projects
  • Multi-objective Optimization Projects
  • Capability Projects

Application and Conditions

  • Applications will be accepted between the dates June 01 – September 30, 2023.
  • Firms can make applications for 1 project in the Deployment category and unlimited projects in the other categories.
  • Each project will be evaluated under the category it was applied for. They will not be evaluated under any other categories.
  • Project application presentation must be at most 15 pages long. Please contact us for futhers details and application at bulut.sakrucu@spac.com.tr

Evaluation and Awards Systematics

  • Evaluations will be carried out by a 3-person jury within the specified dates.
    • Akın POLAT / General Manager / S.P.A.C. Consulting
    • Prof. Dr. Gülser KÖKSAL / Academician / METU
    • Guest Evaluator / 3rd Part Organization
  • The main purpose of this event is to increase the motivation and problem-solving concentration of project teams and the best projects in each of the “Deployment”, “Lean” and “6 Sigma” categories will be awarded 500 USD prize checks and L6S Best Project Practices Plaque.
  • L6S Best Project Practices Participation Certificate will be given to all participating project teams during the conference.